Interested in Ecological restoration? Want to get involved?
Then be part of the UN’s Decade on Ecological Restoration (2021-2030).
Join SER Europe, meet other restorers, look for career opportunities.

We must stop the cycles of ecological devastation that are damaging the earth, its creatures and our own survival (the Editor writes). We hear repeatedly about the destruction of ancient tropical rainforest, the draining of wetlands, erosion of savannah. Yet near to home, our ecosystems fare no better. Scotland’s soils and vegetation are new compared to many, forming after the last ice retreated, but widespread destruction began after the first farming settlers migrated here around 6000 years ago and it continues today.
Hardly any of the original lowland wet forest remains, the uplands are barren and many coastal dunes and wetlands are threatened by uncaring development. Cultivated ecosystems are still highly productive but degrading – most managed grass consists of 2-3 rather than 20-30 plant species and the arable land is losing soil and the plants that have been part of it for several thousand years.
Yet many people are working actively for change – volunteers, NGOs, schools, scientists, land managers and international organisations like the UN – and all have common aims – stop the degradation then encourage nature to rebuild and repair. These are difficult tasks, but much can be learned from the experience and achievements of others.

Click the following link to download a copy of the SER Europe Membership flyer (PDF, 343 kb, 595 x 1275)
Join SER Europe and get involved
One of the ways you can help and work constructively with like-minded people is to join the Society for Ecological Restoration – SER – and be part of a global network. SER is an organisation that can help you get to know and work with people and projects throughout the world’s ecosystems and environments. To help focus on local issues, SER operates through regional or continental branches, such as Europe, Australasia and Africa.
SER Europe is running a successful campaign to enlist new members and is particularly looking to encourage Students and Young Professionals. Its web site can guide you to several resources including –

- Young members guide – Studying and Thinking in a career in Ecological Restoration? Your 10 Stops Guide
- An online YOUNG#ER Opportunities Board – and a twitter feed for opportunities at #YOUNGEROpps
- Links to short videos from those actively working on restoration projects including people at NatureScot.
- Links to a range of reading material e.g. Destination 2030: Young people’s vision for European Biodiversity Policy at GYBN Europe (Global Youth Biodiversity Network Europe)
Further resources
The web site of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration – – has guides on restoration, materials for use by schools and groups … and on social media you can follow #GenerationRestoration.
The Global Youth Biodiversity Network – https:/// – offers a range of teaching materials, slide shows and learning kits through the Convention on Biological Diversity web site.
So don’t delay.
Explore the SER Europe web site, join and get involved.
Be part of SER and the UN Decade 2021-2030.