For several years, the people at Dundee Astronomical Society have been linking with the Living Field through lectures, open days and astronomy-nights. Web site: dundeeastro
The society is active in promoting all matters astronomical and welcomes new members, experienced or novice.
They have brought their experience and enthusiasm (and their telescopes) to the Garden at various open days since June 2012. For example, see Open Farm Sunday on 7 June 2015 .
Following damage to the previous telescope housing, the Society has erected a new housing-observatory in the Garden along with a new telescope. More on this at
- Dundeeastro’s new observatory and telescope
Noctilucent Clouds
Ken Kennedy has a long terms interest is these elusive high altitude clouds that appear at night at certain times of the year. He has written an article about them for this web site: Clouds on the Summer Horizon.
The DundeeAstro web site gives more information on noctilucent clouds with links to PDFs about observing and recording them.
The sun
Here are some of their images of the sun.

The image above shows a major solar prominence emerging from the sun’s disc. Below right is a whole-disc image with some large sunspots (top) and a closer view of the sunspots (bottom).

Below is “a H-alpha whole disc shot of a large loop prominence”.

And finally a particle solar eclipse. These images were sent to us a few years ago by Ken Kennedy.

Previous images here of noctilucent clouds have been moved to Clouds on the Summer horizon.
[more to follow]